Word Print Templates - Mastering Table Layouts
Will Cooper | September 09, 2024
Microsoft Word print templates are an easy and flexible way to design print templates in Ultimate...
Improved Printing - New Fields and Options Supported
Will Cooper | September 06, 2024
Print Templates are a fantastic part of the Ultimate Forms. There are many options that can be used...
Smart SharePoint Forms Validation Using AI Answer in UltimateForms
Will Cooper | June 28, 2024
Web form validation hasn't change a lot in the last 20 years. Generally a form is set to check for...
Ultimate Forms vs Power Apps Development Comparison
Will Cooper | June 12, 2024
A lot of customers are interested to learn how using Ultimate Forms is different than using Power...
Copy and Paste Rules in Form Designer
Will Cooper | November 03, 2023
A new feature has just released in Form Designer: Rules Copy and Paste. In short, this allows you...
Ten Reasons to Start Using External Forms
Will Cooper | September 28, 2023
We all love using Ultimate Forms form designer to quickly and easily set up great looking dynamic...
Print your Custom Form to PDF without a Print Template
Will Cooper | January 04, 2023
Print templates and related output can sometimes be quite challenging. Especially with highly...
Infowise resources available to our educational affiliate partners
Amir Shingray | July 25, 2022
Infowise Solutions proudly announces the soft launch of its new affiliate partner program. This...
How to be an Infowise educational affiliate partner and make a steady income
Amir Shingray | July 22, 2022
Are you a SharePoint expert, a Microsoft MVP, a tech whiz, an avid technology blogger, or a...
Infowise Solutions proudly announces the soft launch of its new affiliate partner program
Amir Shingray | July 19, 2022
Today, Infowise Solutions proudly announces the soft launch of its new affiliate partner program....
Associated Items with Just One Click
Will Cooper | August 18, 2020
Sometimes it can be the little things that make a difference. The addition of the Associated...
Facilitating At-Home Workers in SharePoint
Will Cooper | March 23, 2020
It’s clear that we are facing a long-term period where most of the work force will now be working...
Creating Printable Reports and Records
Phil Gold | September 24, 2019
We recently went through the exercise of rewriting the lab documents we use for Ultimate Forms...
Comparing Cascading Drop-downs in Ultimate Forms and PowerApps Forms
Phil Gold | July 30, 2019
I’ve been spending a lot of time working with PowerApps Forms lately, and my general impression is...
Why should I use Ultimate Forms instead of SharePoint PowerApps Forms
Phil Gold | July 23, 2019
This is a question that I get asked a lot when I’m giving demos of Ultimate Forms. It’s a reasonable...
Business Use Case – Equipment check-out system
Phil Gold | June 27, 2019
I was speaking to one of our customers recently, and he was quizzing me about how he might be able...
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