My Discovery of AI-Powered Form Creation in SharePoint with ULTIMATEFORMS
Riyan Arshad
Riyan Arshad
June 30, 2024 | Enterprise


Hello, fellow SharePoint enthusiasts! As a SharePoint developer with over ten years of experience, I’ve witnessed the exciting evolution of form-building tools and techniques over the years. Today, I’m thrilled to share an incredible advancement in this area with you. Meet ULTIMATEFORMS, an AI-powered form-building solution that revolutionizes the process. This state-of-the-art technology makes form creation quicker, more effective, and incredibly user-friendly. Let’s dive in and explore how ULTIMATEFORMS can transform your SharePoint experience!


Throughout my career, I have worked on numerous projects involving form creation. One memorable project was designing a complex form for a healthcare organization. The form needed to capture detailed patient information, medical history, and insurance details. While we achieved a functional solution, the process was time-consuming and often prone to human error.


The AI-powered form creation feature in ULTIMATEFORMS is designed to simplify and accelerate the form-building process. It leverages natural language processing (NLP) to generate forms based on user descriptions, reducing the need for manual configuration. Here’s a closer look at its purpose and key benefits:


  • Simplify Form Creation: Reduce the complexity of building forms by automating the creation process using AI.
  • Increase Efficiency: Speed up form development, allowing developers to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Enhance Accuracy: Minimize human error by relying on AI to generate consistent and accurate form structures.

Key Benefits:

  1. Ease of Use: Enter a natural language description of the form, and the AI engine generates a list of suggested columns and form structures.
  2. Time-Saving: Quickly create forms with minimal human intervention, significantly reducing development time.
  3. Flexibility: Easily adjust generated forms by adding, deleting, or modifying columns and settings.
  4. Advanced Features: Incorporate repeating sections and summary columns to handle complex data structures.
  5. Seamless Integration: Integrate the AI-generated forms into your existing SharePoint environment with ease.

Getting Started:

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create AI-powered forms using ULTIMATEFORMS:


  • Open Ultimate Forms by clicking on the Design button on any list.

2- Generate a Form with AI:

  • Click on the "New list" option in the main toolbar
  • Enter a detailed description of the form you need. For example, "Invoice form for software products, include tax information as well as sold product version." The more detailed your description, the better the AI can generate the form.
  • Specify the number of columns you need. It’s often faster to request more columns and delete unnecessary ones later.


3- Adjust the Form:

  • Review the AI-generated list of columns and make any necessary adjustments. You can add or delete columns and change their titles, data types, and other settings.
  • For certain columns, you can enter calculated value formulas to automate field values.

4- Create Repeating Sections:

  • Select one or more columns and promote them into a repeating section.
  • Add new summary columns or convert existing ones to summarize the repeating section values in the main form.

5- Finalize and Publish:

  • Set the title of the list, choose whether it’s a document library, and add a description if needed.
  • Click on "Success" to finalize the form. You can then open the new form or edit it further in the Form Designer.


6- Form Designer Adjustments

  • Use the Form Designer for additional customization, such as layout adjustments or adding conditional formatting.


AI-powered form creation with ULTIMATEFORMS is a groundbreaking feature that transforms the way we develop forms in SharePoint. By leveraging natural language descriptions, the AI engine simplifies the process, saving time and enhancing accuracy. Whether you are a seasoned developer or new to SharePoint, this tool can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow.

I encourage you to explore AI-powered form creation with ULTIMATEFORMS and experience its benefits firsthand. Embrace the future of form creation and see how AI can revolutionize your SharePoint projects.


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