Those of you coming from the on-premises environment are used to frequent version upgrades and try to keep your product up to date to take advantage of latest features and bug fixes. But how do you keep the app version up to date?
Well, the short answer is you don't need to. Because the app is hosted by us, it is always up to date. We constantly add new features and fix issue, to make sure you get the absolute maximum. Pay close attention and from time to time you will discover changes in the settings, new options, a more simplified approach and so on. Most server-side components require no action on your part.
The only components that do require some sort of intervention are the client-side form-oriented components (tabs, special columns and so on). The way these work is by uploading the latest scripts from our website into yours each time you save your settings. So when we release a new version of the script, it is not immediately available to your site, but must be uploaded by re-saving the settings. In some cases, the script is also cached by your browser and that cache might need to be manually cleared.
It doesn't mean that you actually need do anything proactively. The new script will be implemented when you take advantage of the new features and the old script is still functional and will work great.
So in conclusion: Office 365 approach gives you peace of mind, that's one of the greatest promises of the cloud!