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Manage reservations of conference rooms and other resources using a convenient color-coded calendar view. The system will prevent you from creating duplicate reservations and you can easily print your reservation calendar or save it as PDF.

When a user is about to save a new reservation, the system will check if there are any existing reservations for the same resource and an overlapping time period. If any such reservations are found, the form will display an error and will not allow to proceed. The same functionality can be used for a variety of other requirements, when a unique combination of values is required.

The system is made up of regular SharePoint lists and involves no custom code. The following lists are included:

  • Resource Types - manage different types of resources in one unified system.
  • Resources - manage your resources and view/print their upcoming reservations directly. Each resource can be assigned color under which it will appear in the calendar view.
  • Reservations - select a resource, enter purpose, dates and save. If you are reserving for yourself, your details are filled out automatically, but you can easily reserve for anyone else as well. The system will not allow you to create duplicate reservations.
  • Calendar - reservations are displayed on a color-coded calendar. Switch between day, week, month and Gantt views and filter by resource. Create new reservations directly from the calendar and print in any view, including all resources or just a specific resource, save the print-out as PDF and even directly email it to any user.
Templates are provided "as-is", free of charge, for UltimateForms customers. Feel free to make any desired modifications.
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