If you've started designing Modern forms using our Form Designer, you've already experienced how powerful and easy-to-use it is. You can create dynamic forms that implement advanced layout, sophisticated permissions and rules.
One common improvement that our customers have been asking for is the ability to export form settings, so you can then import them to a different list. For example, when you develop a form in your development environment, you want to be able to quickly and easily transfer your work to the actual production list.
And now this option is available! Just use Export and Import buttons on the top toolbar in Form Designer to store your current form as a file and then import it wherever you need. You can import into:
- A different list within the same site
- A list on a different site
- A list on a site in a different site collection
- A list in a different tenant
- Between different versions of SharePoint: on-premises and online
Please note that we only export/import form settings. We do not replicate the actual list structure and will not create or modify any columns in the list. We expect the two lists to be of the same or similar structure. At least the columns used on the form must be of the same type and use the same internal names. Best would be to export your list as a template and then import it in another environment.
Note that if what you need is to duplicate the whole solution, including all lists, forms, actions, alerts, etc. (and you're on SharePoint Online), you should use Template Manager instead. Get your credentials for it from us and start using it if you still haven't started.