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SOP Read And Sign is a sample SharePoint-based business solution that allows you to monitor reading of standard operating procedures (SOP) by employees, required by internal and external regulation. The site template uses a combination of built-in SharePoint capabilities, extended through the use of a set of Infowise components.

The template allows you:

  • Create or upload SOPs.Collaboratively edit the SOP until final version is published.
  • Specify users and/or groups required to read the SOP.
  • Generating individual reading tasks.
  • Monitoring completion of reading tasks.

Using the Site

The site uses regular SharePoint lists to store and manage data. No external data storage or custom interface is implemented. This allows you to easily modify the way the site functions, using just your browser.

Libraries and Lists

SOPs is a document library designed to store and manage SOPs. The library contains the following columns:

  • Title – title of the document
  • Department – choice of department the SOP belongs to
  • Readers – users/groups required to read the SOP
  • Read & Sign – reference reading tasks generated for the SOP
  • Unfinished Tasks – automatically calculated number of unfinished reading tasks

You can add more columns according to your requirements

Read Tasks is a task list containing the reading tasks. The tasks are generated automatically and should not be created manually. Each user can complete the tasks assigned to him/her by setting Yes to Read column and adding an electronic signature. Open and completed tasks can be easily differentiated by color.

Managing SOPs

You start by uploading or creating an SOP within the library. Specify the users/groups required to read the SOP. Once the SOP is ready, click on Generate Tasks button within the Edit Properties form of the SOP. It will generate an individual task for each user specified in Readers (group will be expanded to individual users). Users will also receive an email from the system informing them that a task has been assigned to them.

Next users will complete the tasks, you will be able to monitor this process from the SOP library, both by examining the value of Unfinished Tasks column and by expanding Read & Sign column to view the specific tasks.

If required you can easily add the following functionality:

  1. Set up reminders for users who have not completed the tasks by the specified due date
  2. Set up an action to move the current set of tasks to archive and generate a new set (e.g. when year passes).

Also read these:
Last modified: 8/12/2024 9:13 PM

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