In the First Part of the article, we have discussed how we can design an attractive list form for our team leave request solution using Infowise Ultimate Forms in SharePoint Online.
This is a two-part article where we can discuss how we can design a team leave request management solution using Infowise ultimate forms in SharePoint online.
Part-1: Team Leave Request Management Solution with Infowise Ultimate Forms Part-1
Part-2: Team Leave Request Management Solution with Infowise Ultimate Forms Part-2
SharePoint 2016 Tutorial Contents
Configure Business Logic Action:
In InfoPath we can only set field value of current form but coming to Infowise Ultimate Forms, it offers 16 different types of actions, ranging from Creating/Updating/Deleting list items in any list, managing permissions and creating list/sites to managing Active Directory, calling web services and executing the stored procedures in any database.
InfoPath executes actions when a field value changes but Ultimate From can execute actions when an item is added/updated/deleted, on a timer or manually, through a ribbon button.
Now we will discuss how we can create actions so that it will trigger change the Status of the leave request.
Create and Configure Actions:
Go to Configure Business Logic Section click on “Actions” as shown below.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm Action
Go to Add/Update Action, In General Setting tab ,enter Action Type(Update list item ), Name (Change status)and Description(Change status). Go to Run on events, check on new as shown below.
create leave request using Infowise UltimateForm general settings
Next, go to Action Settings tab, go to Site, select site from the drop-down or leave it as default (Current Site). Next, go to List, select your list from the drop-down or leave it as default (Current List). Next, go to Values to set, select “Status” to drop down and set the value “Pending” click on Add button. Next go to Items, set item “ID” is equal “[ID]” and click on “Add” button.
In the Conditions tab, we do not do anything, you can add any condition if you want. Next click on Save button.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm ActionSetting
Now you can see the action created successfully and will appear in the Actions section as shown below.
create leave request using infowise Ultimate Form Actions Tab
Settings up Alerts for Notifications
Now we will see how we can add alerts so that employee, manager etc will get notifications.
Go to Configure Business logic, click on “alerts” as shown below.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm alerts
Go to General settings, Enter title related to the action know status of the workflow for approved or rejected. Next, select the Site and List.
Next, Go to Recipients, here we have To, CC and BCC sections etc.”To” Add Manager as the recipient of email and “CC” user who created the record. To do this, click on green plus box next to the “To ” section and following box will appear. Select “Manager” column in the “Column in section” and click on add button. Repeat this with the CC section and the “Created By” column.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm recipients
Next, Go to What To Send Section, check the “item is added” and go down there are Conditions, select “Status equal to Pending ” then click on Add Button.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm what to send
Next Go to the Mail Templates, here click on “Add or update mail templates”, it will display a dialogue box. Enter Name, Subject and write a description of the body.
We have two options for adding columns from “columns in list” in Subject and Body, one is” Add to subject” and the second one is “Add to body“.
- If you want to add a column in “Subject” section, first select column from “columns in list“, then click on “Add to subject“. It will be automatically added in the Subject section.
- if you want to add a column in “Body” section, first select column from “columns in list”, then click on “Add to body“. It will be automatically added in Body section.
create leave request using Infowise UltimateForm mail templates
Note:– Follow the same steps for Approved and Rejected for Team Leave Request. Only one change is required in Recipients section, “To” for “Created By” and “CC” for “Manager” because Employee will get the notification after the manager is Approved or Rejected leave request.
Now, go to your list, add an item to the list and status will be in the “Pending” stage as shown below.
create leave request using Infowise UltimateForm pending
Now the manager received mail for leave request as shown below.
create leave request using Infowise Ultimate Form manager mail
Next the Manager go to the mail and click on Edit Item, change status to Approved and click on Save button as shown below.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm add status approved
Now The “Status” column in the Team Leave Request has been changed to “Approved” as shown below.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm add approved
Employee Received mail from Manager as your leave request has been approved as shown below.
create leave request using infowise UltimateForm approved mail
I hope you got an idea, how we can design a leave request solution using Infowise ultimate forms in SharePoint Online.