Infowise LOB Item Link field is capable of connecting to SOAP web services. The connection process is basically similar to database connections, but there are some minor differences.
- Enter the web service URL (e.g. http://server/service.asmx)
- Click on connect to retrieve the list of available operations
- Select operation to perform
- In the field mapping you will see both incoming parameters and result values. Incoming parameters can be selected for the key column and result values can be set to be shown in results. One parameter can be both incoming and result, although this is rare.
- Select one of the incoming parameters to be the key column. Key column value is entered or selected by users to retrieve the complete item.
- Optionally set user-defined names to the result values.
- If your web service operation expects more than one parameter (the first one being the key column), map those parameters to list column values in Conditions.
- If you want your users to select key column values from a drop-down list, you must specify the enumerator operation that returns a list of possible values. Note that the enumerator operation is expected to have the same set of parameters as the data retrieval operation, safe for the key column itself (which should be in the array of return values).
Last modified: 10/2/2018 7:12 PM
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