NOTE: This article does not apply to the Microsoft 365 app version.

Smart Alert Pro consists of the following components:

  • Alert Settings management page – allows adding and managing alerts.
  • Alert Administration management page –allows setting system-wide administrative options.
  • List event receiver – background module that responds to changes to list items and generates alerts when needed.
  • Scanner timer job – generates and sends out timer-based notifications and alerts.
  • Job synchronizer – monitors scanner job execution.

Smart Alert Pro is comprised of 4 SharePoint features:

  • Infowise Smart Alert Pro [farm feature] – enables alert engine running in the background. This feature must always be activated for the product to work. It is activated as a default by the installer.
  • Infowise Smart Alert Pro UI Integration [web application feature] – enables user interface integration of the product across the whole farm. It is activated as a default by the installer.
  • Infowise Smart Alert Pro UI Integration [site collection feature] – enables user interface integration of the product for a specific site collection. The feature must be activated manually as needed. Remember to de-activate the farm-scope feature to prevent UI elements appear on all site collections.
  • Infowise Smart Alert Pro Template Support [site collection feature] - allows saving alerts as part of site templates. The feature must be activated on both source and target site collections and the alerts must be marked as Persistant in site templates.

NOTE: You must activate one of the UI Integration features for the product to work. Unless web application or site collection scoped feature is activated for a particular site collection, the alert functionality will not operate. Make sure you do not activate both feature at the same time, as it will cause ribbon and menu buttons to appear twice.

Last modified: 8/13/2021 1:17 PM

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