Our products can be installed on SharePoint versions 2016+. 

Note: in order to install or upgrade on SP2013 you need to install component version released prior to July 2023. 

Before installing please ensure that;  

  • You are using the farm administrator account 
  • Your account has Read/Write access to both configuration and content databases  
  • If your farm contains more than one server, use one of the web front end servers, that is hosting Central Administration, to run the installer.  
  • Note if your Central Administration is not on a WFE Server you should have Web application service started on that server in order for the installer to work.
  • Note that when User Access Control (UAC) is enabled on the server, you need to start the installer by right-clicking and selecting Run as Administrator 
  • Note that when installing products with timer-based components, it is recommended to restart SharePoint Timer service on all servers prior to installation and after it, such as 
    • Ultimate Forms 
    • Alerts  
    • Actions 
    • Import 
  • Make sure .json is not a blocked file extension in your environment. You can specify what file types are blocked in Central Administration.
  • If you are using SharePoint 2013, turn on multiple metadata formats:
    • Ensure that your farm has WCF Data Services 5.6. You can download the installer from here: WCF Data Services 5.6.0, install on all WFE servers.  Note: if that page is not available you can download the install exe directly from http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=320724  
    • Copy the following PS script into a text file, save it as a ps1 file and execute on one of your farm WFE servers, this script will adjust SP web configs to use the new WCF Data services.
$configOwnerName = "JSONLightDependentAssembly"

$spWebConfigModClass ="Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebConfigModification"

$dependentAssemblyPath ="configuration/runtime/*[local-name()='assemblyBinding' and namespace-uri()='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1']"

$dependentAssemblyNameStart ="*[local-name()='dependentAssembly'][*/@name='"
$dependentAssemblyNameEnd = "'][*/@publicKeyToken='31bf3856ad364e35'][*/@culture='neutral']"

$dependentAssemblyValueStart = ""

$edmAssemblyName ="Microsoft.Data.Edm"
$odataAssemblyName ="Microsoft.Data.Odata"
$dataServicesAssemblyName ="Microsoft.Data.Services"
$dataServicesClientAssemblyName ="Microsoft.Data.Services.Client"
$spatialAssemblyName ="System.Spatial"

$assemblyNamesArray = $edmAssemblyName,$odataAssemblyName,$dataServicesAssemblyName,$dataServicesClientAssemblyName, $spatialAssemblyName

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
$webService = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService

################ Adds individual assemblies ####################

For ($i=0; $i -lt 5; $i++)  
    echo "Adding Assembly..."$assemblyNamesArray[$i]

    $dependentAssembly = New-Object $spWebConfigModClass
    $dependentAssembly.Sequence =0 # First item to be inserted
    $dependentAssembly.Owner = $configOwnerName
    $dependentAssembly.Name =$dependentAssemblyNameStart + $assemblyNamesArray[$i] + $dependentAssemblyNameEnd
    $dependentAssembly.Type = 0 #Ensure Child Node
    $dependentAssembly.Value = $dependentAssemblyValueStart + $assemblyNamesArray[$i] + $dependentAssemblyValueEnd



echo "Saving Web Config Modification"


echo "Update Complete"

Also read these:
Last modified: 8/18/2023 6:50 PM

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