Form Building - Part 3

Form Building - Part 3


  1. Click New column.
  2. Select Choice
  3. Enter “Priority”.
  4. Enter Choices “1 High”, “2 Med”, “3 Low”.
  5. Set “2 Med” as default.
  6. Require.
  7. Save.

Drag the Priority field onto the canvas as shown.

  1. New Column.
  2. Single line of text.
  3. Title “Phone”.
  4. Save.

Drag the Phone column to the canvas as shown.

  1. New column.
  2. Color choice.
  3. Title “Status”.
  4. Require.
  5. Add Status values “1 Required”, “2 In Progress”, “3 Hold”, “4 Complete”, “5 Canceled” as shown and choose colors.
  6. Default “1 Requested”.
  7. Apply to background, disable whole row.
  8. Save.

Drag the Status column onto canvas as shown.

  1. Select the first container.
  2. Add new style.
  3. Enter “10px” padding.
  4. Save.

  1. Select the 2nd container.
  2. Add new style.
  3. Enter “10px” padding.
  4. Save.

  1. Publish.
  2. Click “Support Requests” to open list view.

Last modified: 7/17/2023 3:45 PM